WDR: Pilot project with bio-filter lids in Bonn - first experiences of citizens and workers

WDR Lokalzeit reports on initial experiences with the bio-filter covers in the test areas. The citizens as well as a worker praise the odor-inhibiting effect.
Some citizens had not yet activated their filters, but this problem usually solves itself within a month due to the moisture binding in the bio garbage can: the rising moisture activates the filter.
A worker reported about this very moisture in the bio garbage can - of course we want to emphasize the great advantage of the filter lid at this point: The dripping moisture binds mold spores to the organic material - for allergy sufferers and workers, the handling of the garbage can is considerably positively influenced.
This can also be of occupational safety concern if workers are to open the lids of the bio garbage cans for visual inspections (contaminants).
WDR and bonnorange draw first conclusions
In Bonn the bio ton is usable only since beginning of the year also as food ton. Discussions about a climate-damaging weekly collection due to the odor nuisance caused by the now differently used organic waste garbage can should not arise in the first place: High costs, skilled workers and vehicles that are lacking for a weekly collection, increased CO2 and nitrogen oxide emissions in the city due to disposal traffic - our bio garbage can with bio filter lid can take all this off the table.
Even electric or hydrogen drives would use an energy that has to be generated and can be better used in other ways than picking up half-full bio garbage cans every week due to odor nuisance. Incidentally, the city of Koblenz has already switched from weekly collection to fortnightly collection with a filter lid in 2020. The old garbage cans in Bonn are 100% recycled.
We would like to thank ESE GmbH as well as c-trace GmbH and of course Bonnorange for their excellent cooperation on the project. Together we have created the conditions for food waste in Bonn to be better off in the organic waste garbage can than in a plastic bag in the residual waste. Because in the organic waste garbage can, the citizen no longer notices the smell at all.
We hope that citizens will also use this service for better separation behavior, because organic waste is a raw material for valuable compost and biogas.